Leila Mamedova
Frontend engineer
Hi! I'm Lea
- Frontend developer
- Animation enthusiast
- User-friendly interfaces lover
About Me
I’m a Frontend Developer from Syberia, currently based in Serbia. I’m passionate about coding, good interfaces and improving user experience. As I grow as a developer, I like to learn and raise my standarts about what’s expected of well designed web apps. I’m also friendly and easy-going introvert, so feel free to DM me ;)
- Age 29
- Residence Novi Sad, Serbia
- e-mail gngtgg.space@gmail.com
What I do
Finance University under the Government of the Russian FederationApplied Computer Science
Bachelor’s degree of Applied Computer Science, with the concentration in IT Services and Data Processing Technologies in Economics and Finance
2020 - 2022
YandexFrontend Developer
Leaded frontend side of admin interface for manual ads moderation, Orchestrated service transition to internal monorepo followed by setting up CI/CD from scratch
Stack: Typescript, React, Mobx, Express, Webpack, Docker2018 - Current
Pharm-PortalFrontend Developer
Developed and architected PharmPortal frontend and BFF (backend for frontend) platforms, Uikit components — Pharm UI
Stack: React, Storybook, Redux-saga, Node, AdonisJS, SSR Webpack, Docker, Kubernetes2018
FcombFrontend Developer
Developed server and client side of insurance aggregator application. Contributed to the Ant.Design lib for ReasonReact
Stack: ReasonML, ReasonReact, Node, GraphQL, Parcel2017-2018
Hermes SoftJunior Frontend Developer
Participated in designing and developing of a local CRM-system and corporate portal, In addition to it, some e-commerse, landing pages for external clients Stack: React, Redux-thunk, Webpack, Styled Components
Stack: React, Redux-thunk, Webpack, Styled Components2017
Finance University under the Government of the Russian FederationWeb Developer
Built system for organizing local Olympiads with PHP, MySQl, HTML, CSS, content management, designing promo landings
- Javascript
- Typescript
- Reason
- React
- Redux
- Mobx
- ReasonReact
- Adonis
- Express
- PostCSS
- Webpack
- Docker
Animation for Frontend Developers
htmlacademy.ru 2020 - currentStructured Computer Organization. Intro
stepic.org 2020Training intensive for QA's
Digital Design LLC 2017Frontend course
Individual Entrepreneur Evgeny Rodionov 2017